Sunday, June 25, 2006

Made a Run for the Border

God must love to travel. Ever since we left our home in Charleston, SC our eyes have been opened and the way we see the world has forever been changed. Mexico was a complete success! All the building projects were finished, the people of Nueveo Laredo were ministered to and the missionarys came back with stories of Glory. I saw a gigantic tarantula, a tiny amount of sleep, a mini tornado of dirt (called a dust devil), scary looking taco trucks and every vehicle made in the U.S. from 1950 - 1980. The poverty wasn't shocking, what was shocking was the way people lived. They were mostly happy. They were OK with no A/C or laptop computer. Their government has suppressed the economy so that it is almost impossible to recover from poverty. However on a Thursday night at the local Church we see a powerfull move of God. The Mexicans unapologetically express their love and faith of Jesus to us and anybody who cares to listen. For one week there seem to be no borders and no language boundary's. The message was clear; We love you and you love us and God loves us all. Travel has not changed us. It has served as a mighty wind, blowing away the dust of our mind; the stereotypes, the social status, the skin colors.......It has left us with something more pure and closer to lens of our creator. San Diego, Ca is our next stop, we will remain there until Christmas, working the whole time ( hopefully ) and remove more dust.

Sunday, June 18, 2006


On Monday night we will sleep in Mexico. Leaving San Antonio will not come with ease. The friendships we have been blessed with, the mighty experiences, the laid back times.......These are what we keep. This is our invisible luggage that we gladly tote around the United States. Next stop, Nueveo Laredo. This is guaranteed to stretch the seams on our "Favorite Memories" folder in the mind.
Seven days and nights of much anticipated moments await us eagerly. I'm sure the digital camera will be maxed out before we come back to the states, as well as our body's from the laborious construction projects. We are ready. The pic is of our bathroom door, the hibiscous flower was cut out of wood and stained. If anyone would like me to make them one just drop me a comment, and I can mail one out. And while were talking about comments, they have been getting very low, so I would appreciate if each person reading this could click on the tab below and let us know your enjoying our site. Thanks for your loving support of us, Later.

Sunday, June 11, 2006

In the Meantime

Truly, a map will only tell you where you've been. We can only travel on one road at a time. The same is true of our own lives.
Soon, we will leave San Antonio and head for Mexico. Our purpose is to help a small village in Neuevo Laredo build a church. It is a dangerous area, as the Mexican drug cartels have been raging their war there. From there, we will go to San Diego (with a brief pause in Tucson, AZ) and establish jobs and once again touch, and be touched by the people we will share life with. It is sad to hear people say that a higher power has no hand, or doesn't care about any of our lives. We have met many people that have placed a dot on San Antonio on their map. They have become our temporary neighbors, dinner guests, engagers of conversation, ears that hear and eyes that see what God has done, and has yet to do. We have witnessed to many in this city and are confident that the Lord will (through the changing of their mind and hearts) change the direction of their life.
You see, Life is a journey, not measured in distance or days traveled, but what paths were taken. God will place before you intersections, a chance to believe, to trust. The heart is the compass. It will be turned by the hand of God and say "Follow Me". You can surrender your heart to this new bearing, or just turn away.
As Krisan and I follow Gods direction, our prayer is to place a "cross" in front of people, and trust Him with the rest. We ask your prayers for us, and thank you for them.

Friday, June 02, 2006


Your Alter Awaits
The soul is the vessel
Bearing the weight of decision
Traveling between faith and the image of creation
Voices in the wind
Troubled waters flooding the hull
We turn for land
Your alter awaits
As far as the East is from the West
The mind will be divided
Seconds longer than days tick away
Leave the anchor in the sea below
Lest the waves mark our graves We will forsake our old friend tonight
The lighthouse pierces the darkness
My heart leaps inside my chest
The wind at my back
Adding not a tear to her depths
Nor comfort to her cry
I press on and award her no farewell
A breeze carries a song of praise
The walls of the vessel snap and fall into the sea
With great brokenness I arrive
Footprints showing me from the waters edge
Over the crest of the high dune
Fearing everything but the present
Forward with conviction
Adding new footprints in the sand
A voice from Heaven
Your altar awaits