Wednesday, July 26, 2006


Job 10:16 "...You hunt me as a fierce lion; and again you show yourself marvelous to me". There is a strong force hunting us down, not to kill, but to show Himself before us. The war between the natural and the supernatural, what we see and what is by faith, sometimes leads us away from God. Not always in sin, but rather at times, our minds cannot fathom or understand the marvels of Heaven. On La Jolla Beach, CA this sand sculpture perfectly illustrates this relationship. A soldier deep in thought, totally unaware of the presence of a fierce Loin. We cannot find our own way, our minds were not designed to figure it out either. Its no wonder He pursues and tracks us down. If left alone, we will blindly reach out and grab hold of anything that our mortality will understand. Evolution is so popular because we can SEE with our own eyes something reasonable and hear the voice of "experts" confirm it. But, Darwin's theory has not let us see one second beyond the grave or given any basis for the existence of love or purpose. The truth is, we all long for true love, true purpose in life and we will all encounter our very own ending. I am glad and rejoice that I am stalked and hungered for. It is only when He is before me that I can see how truly marvelous He is. Krisan and I are in a very special season of life and are thrilled that you have found desire to come with us.

Thursday, July 13, 2006

A School, a Handyman, the YMCA and Friends

This is the blog we have been waiting for ! We came to San Diego for 6 months of employment and BAM! POW! We were knocked out when we discovered how wrong we were. The first free Sunday we found ourselves at Horizon Christian fellowship. We were talkin to some guys about their School, and before we know it, were signin up for a 5 month evangelism class. It was crazy! We are SO confident in the Lord that this is the REAL reason were here. Then, we need jobs. Krisan gets some sweet babysitting gig right here in the park. Then she gets a job interview at the YMCA (and I've been singin the song ever since) . I got a job today as a handyman, which pays a lot more than a pizza boy. I start tomorrow, Krisan on Saturday. We are getting involved in a very dynamic Church, lots of strongly committed, grounded people. And later this month we are attending a bon fire and a crusade in a local skate park. I cant say enough about the current times. Were stoked! God is moving in a mighty way. Our thanks and encouragement for those who pray for us. That pic of me on the right, killing ants on a tree (aka doing nothing) will be the last of those you will see for a long while. We are diligently making letters, explaining in more detail, what is going on and how our friends and family can get involved. They are going to be mailed in a few days so if you think we may need your address, just comment or e-mail us.

Sunday, July 09, 2006

The Path Turns

Since nobodys really offered us a job yet we decided to stay busy and came up with a cool idea. These are some mini surfboards were making, they are 3' buy 1' and have a litttle design to them. We are confident that the Lord will supply jobs for us this coming week. Till then we are hoping to sell these guys and pick up a little cash. We visited Horizon Christian Fellowship today. It was amazing! They purchased an old school and made a Church out of it. They have an evangelism school starting in mid-August that we are both praying that we will attend. But it aint cheap (nothing in Cali is). It would be about $300 a week for the both of us, and its a 5 month course. So buy a mini surfboard and support your future misionarys in school. They come ready to mount on the wall or just set on the mantle. We can ship one to you for about $60 and would be in much gratitude for your help. So leave a comment if you want one (or 20) and leave your telephone number and I will call you back soon. Till next time..... God Bless

Thursday, July 06, 2006

Surfs Up

Well, sorry about the long break in the bloggin. We arrived in California on Saturday the 1st. Krisan's brother John and his two kids met us out here. Did the fireworks, downtown, bodysurfing in the Pacific (yeah, the waves are that big here) and now its just the two of us again. This is the part of the trip I have been longing for! The "real world". Time to get jobs and blend into society like a West Coast chameleon. Till now we were just passin through, like an otter playfully lead buy the current, and people would say " Wow look at that, that's cool, you don't see that everyday". Without jobs and structure in our lives we have felt like somewhat of an ineffective outcast. But now its on! I applied at a construction company today and Krisan has about 4 or 5 apps in at different places. Playtime is over and the Church bells are pounding out it's very own "Eye of the Tiger". We need your daily prayers. It seems as though San Diego has met us with some very costly resistance already. I promise to blog a few times a week, and I thank the many people who are keeping with us. Riddle: If a story is laying in the forest and nobody is around to read it, is it even a story? The point is; Here comes the climax, the plot is thickening and as we share the glorious events that are close at hand, you can be enlightened, be encouraged and pray with us, because there is NO distance in prayer. Lets stick together and watch this website display maximally the Glory of God