Wednesday, March 29, 2006

Big Red

We've never been more willing, but now were just more able. This is the coolest, most powerfull, largest, redest.... truck I have ever been blessed with. "Big Red" as we call her, has an amazing journey infront of her. April 18th is the date when this caravan of truck, trailer, household goods, two enthrilled young adults and the good Lords spirit depart a land of careers, deadlines and over-stressed scedules, making our way to "where ever" and getting there at exactly "when ever". This baby has low miles,lots of good looks and an appitite for petrolium. We still have an F150 to sell as well as a Dodge Neon, yeah, but were not to worried about this. So keep us in mind when you enter an interstate or drive by a campground, or the next time you see an 80 foot long red truck pass you. And as always, please keep us on your prayer list. Until next blog....