Tuesday, September 12, 2006

Thank For Your Patience

Well, the response to my last entry was small, but I would rather share my life story with 2 or 3 dedicated people than a nation of people who are too busy or just not interested in the amazing journey we are on. And it is amazing. We spent the last week in the wilderness of Catalina Island, Ca. 25 miles of the west coast and 2,000 foot in elevation, this is a VERY secluded part of the world. 99 percent of the island is totally undeveloped and beholds great beauty. We backpacked 27 miles (about 50 pounds per person) in groups of 12 people. Each day was met with real challenges and rewards alike. The hikes were too much for some people, packs got doubled up on some of the men and keeping a positive attitude was a struggle. We left a camp in the morning together and arrived in the evening together and everything in between was done as a unit. It was very hard to let go of our independent state of mind, but the hike would never end if we failed to work together. Camp fires, mountain fog, starry nights, quietness.....6 days living in Gods wilderness was awesome. On the 16th we leave for South Korea for 2 weeks. This is a safe country to preach the Gospel in. I'm in the band (I love to say that), so I will be in parks and other populated areas playing loud pop-style music to draw a crowd, then we will present the Gospel to the same crowd and watch the Lord move time and time again throughout the 2 weeks. We are part of "The Festival of life" in that city. For a couple of weeks they have rented a large venue in the middle of Bucheon (a highly populated city 1 hour south of Soul) and are conducting crusade style events day after day. The crowds are estimated in the tens of thousands so please pray for the people of Bucheon. So here we go, I'm glad you are with us, the road is amazing and leading us ever greater destinations, we are thankful for our audience (even if only 3 people) and want you to know that you are watching two people who have let go of their own small, little story and are living the role that Jesus would have for us in His Huge, everlasting story. Till next blog, Jeff