Monday, May 01, 2006

Cool New News

In a way I REALLY wanted to get a picture with John Hagee, However, I did want to respect his character and humbleness. At Cornerstone Church on Sunday we sat with thousands of others and were touched and blessed at a mans abundant education, sincere heart and truthfull delivery of the Gospel. It was a profound (and overdue) moment in our trip, when we got to worship with the saints and feel connected to our spiritual family again. Distance doesn't separate friends, but we all long for a somewhat "direct connection" to other believers. After the service Krisan and I met Pastor Hagee and had a short prayer time together. We did get into a local bible study on Friday nights.
So.......We need jobs. I kinda want to get out and meet the people of San Antonio. I have applied at places like; Walmart, gas stations, pizza places........Tomorrow we go to the temp services. I have been to these kind of places before in Tampa and Charleston ( these are rough crowds ). But you never know what they are going to have! I am sure that we will land somethin soon.
We have had the pleasure to meet some cool people recently. Kayla is a 10 year girl that befriended us. We met her grandmother in the laundry mat ( I think Krisan is going to cut her hair ). From the conversation with Kayla it is very evident that she has a rough life. Difficulty at home, trouble at school.......We want to send her to VBS at Cornerstone, and see what other impact we can have in her family. Three trailers down from us is Courtney and Toby. I cant believe they are like 20 something! Thats a rare thing round here folks! We met them today. She is a student and he works, so were going to have them over for games or something like that real soon. Stuff is really pickin up round here, so log on often and come with us.


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